Moving house can be difficult at the best of times. Throw in the added inconvenience of inclement weather, and you’ve got the potential for a very stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be. There are things you can do and ways you can prepare to make winter moving a breeze.
Below we’ve outlined five winter moving tips to ensure that everything runs smoothly and your relocation is as quick and painless as possible, no matter the weather.
1. Have Proper Packaging
Winter weather in Ontario could mean rain, snow, sleet, or hail. Even all four in one day. This type of weather should be taken seriously, as it has the potential to seriously damage some of your most prized possessions — if they’re not packaged correctly, that is.
When it comes to winter moving, it can be a good idea to double or even triple box your belongings. For particularly damp days use plastic boxes if you have them. If you don’t, try wrapping your boxes in trash bags for a quick waterproof fix.
2. Wear Appropriate Clothing
Just as important as what you put your belongings in, is what you put on yourself. Make sure you make smart clothing choices the day of your big move.
This means you should wrap up warm, wear waterproofs if necessary and, of course, wear appropriate footwear. The last thing you want is to slip on a patch of ice while you’re carrying a box filled with fragile items to your door.
3. Prepare All Spaces for Your Move
If you want to make moving in the winter as easy as possible, preparation is key. It’s essential to prep both the space you’re moving from and the space you’re moving to in advance.
Put down tarp or carpet on the floors, to avoid muddy footprints being tracked into the house. Make sure all the utilities in your new home are working, to avoid spending your first night in the dark and cold. Finally, clear any pathways that will be being used of any snow or ice, or put down mats for better footing if needed.
4. Allow for Extra Time
Moving can be a long and arduous process, but in the winter, even more so. However many hours you would allot for your move in normal circumstances, add on at least an additional couple of hours, so you won’t find yourself caught short.
Moving cumbersome objects, driving more carefully to and from different locations, and waiting out spells of particularly bad weather can all contribute to the increase in moving time during winter months.
5. When in Doubt Call in the Pros
If you’re nervous about moving in the wintertime, one of the best things you can do is to call in the help of professionals. Moving services are fully equipped and well experienced with moving in all sorts of weather.
Using a moving company will likely lessen your move time as well as help to ease any stress or anxiety you might be feeling about the move.
Making Winter Moving as Easy as Can Be
Don’t let Ontario’s winter weather intimidate you. With a little planning, caution, and effort, winter moving can be easy, even fun. If you’re planning a move, call us at Sprint Moving Service for fast, friendly, and professional moving help.