by Matt | Feb 26, 2019 | College, London Ontario, Moving Tips, Neighbourhood, Student, Tips, Uncategorized, University
Moving away to University or College is a big step in a student’s life and requires a lot of planning to get the job done. You’ve worked hard to get the grades, get into the school of your dreams, and its finally time to make the big move. Moving away...
by Matt | Dec 5, 2018 | Commercial Moving, Grand Bend, Homeowners, London, London Ontario, Lucan, Moving Tips, Neighbourhood, Residential Moving
If you know somebody moving into a new home, there will be A LOT of things they need. A nice way to help them celebrate the new place is with a housewarming gift. Big or small, anything at all is thoughtful, but it is always nice to get them something practical for...
by Matt | Oct 10, 2018 | Address, Homeowners, London, Moving Tips, Neighbourhood, Tools, Utilities
Moving into your first apartment is a big step in. For many people, it’s the point in their life when they really begin to grow up and take responsibility of being an adult. However exciting this stage may be, there is a lot to consider when you get your first place....
by Matt | Sep 20, 2018 | Byron, Commercial Moving, East Village, Grand Bend, London, London Ontario, Lucan, Moving Tips, Neighbourhood, Residential Moving, St. Thomas, Strathroy, Tools
Moving is always a stressful and exciting time, it is important to help keep your head on straight and ensure that your move goes without a hitch. Familiarize yourself with your new town before you move there. Obviously, you cannot learn everything about a town, but a...
by Matt | Aug 11, 2018 | Moving Tips
Depending on where it is that you live, rental properties can have a huge variance in cost, size location, etc. An average apartment could cost double to rent in a city that is just a few hours away. Considering all the factors involved in renting, it is important to...